Relationship Counseling in Denver

Create a Finely Tuned System For All Relationships In Your Life

Relationship Counseling in Denver and Online

Relationships are everywhere. Job and Family are as important as our marriage and they can bring their own significant challenges.

There are different types of relationships I can help you to heal, improve and navigate:

  • relationship between adult children and their parents

  • relationship between adult siblings or other relatives

  • relationship between friends

  • relationship with your colleague or business partner

All these relationships can make our life so much better, make us feel stable, validated and successful and they can drain our energy and create anxiety, uncertainty, and despair.

You deserve to be seen and understood at the meeting with your business partner and on the call with your mom. Our life is a continuum, it does not consist of totally separated chapters, and we can create a finely tuned system for all relationships in our life.

Relationship Counseling For One

What if that special person is not ready to participate?

You can start to create changes by yourself first. When you realize your own patterns, take care of your reactivity, heal old traumas that trigger your current relationships the system inevitably starts to change. Very often other parties join the counseling when you're ready to invite them to a new level.

Click here to schedule your free 15-minute phone consultation for trauma counseling in Denver.

My other specialties include marriage counseling, burnout recovery, therapy for trauma, anxiety, and depression, and life coaching for communication skills.

It is time to call and get help. You’ve waited long enough.